Saturday, September 13, 2008

etsy stores i love...

they both have amazing products are VERY easy to work with. ohhh lordie, here are two things i've bought from both of them. :X

again, luckily craig doesn't read this blog. :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi D,

Ok, you sucked me in, sucka! Mrs. Dave has been all about putting the romance back in our lives (not that it was completely gone by any means), and she's really put her heart into it. She sent ME flowers at work, puts cards in my lunch and stuff, so she's holding up her end.

So, I got the "Together is a wonderful place to be." and I'm going to put it on the wall next to her dresser mirror. I was going to get the "because two people fell in love" but where I wanted to put it, it wouldn't make enough sense.

Anyway, thanks for the tip. Glad to hear the clan is doing so well. It's nice to hear someone is so happy with what they have. Take care.