Wednesday, August 04, 2010

this is why the internet is great

we have more information, more ways to connect with each other than ever. some people break out into hives when they hear "social media" or they just don't get it or WANT to keep up. more stuff to have to divide your time amongst. i get that. but things like this make me thankful we live in the day and age that we do. we all have way too much, we live like little piggies in excess and we LOVE it. it's all we know,... but if you ever had an illness affect a family member, you would probably realize what is important. and it's not a new fendi purse or more diamonds. it's helping the human condition and reconnecting with things in our lives that really mean something. please read this post about a little boy (whom i have never met -other than by the magic of the blogosphere) his only wish is to die at home. can you imagine looking into this sweet little face and knowing that he was going to die? as a mother of a 2 year old daughter, the mere thought brings me to my knees.please contribute to help his family fund a basement transformation to make it easy and accessible for his single mother to care for him inhouse. tanner does not want to die hooked up to machines in a sterile hospital, but surrounded by his family. THIS little boy knows the meaning of truly being rich.

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