Monday, August 15, 2005

up, up, and AWAY!!!



i had THE GREATEST weekend. i got to take .5 a day thursday and a whole day friday off! i know to most people, that is a normal occurance, but not in the media direct prison camp. it's almost unheard of. kinda like, SURE! take a day... but then, when we do, we get a guilt trip or worse. "you can't go." however, this time it worked out. i think i need more time off like this.

SO, thurs was coldplay. i have to admit, i LOVED IT. it was great. chris poked fun at himself, and had audience participation,.. i just wished it was longer! and that they played "green eyes" - i really like that song!

friday was lazy and i hung out and sweated bullets with my mom and helped her get ready for a garage sale. i stole a couple things from her as well... :) we had a nice talk.. we don't usually get to talk face to face, alone. so i cleared up a few things including, life plans, my happiness,.. how i'm doing in general. i think i'll get her a card because she really is awesome. i love me mums.

saturday i went FLYING!!!! :D craig's family owns an airport along with some other people, and have their own planes, rebuilt them etc. and i got to go up with his dad and uncle. it was great. his dad asked me a few times if i was ok, and i really was. i was completely at ease with the situation, and these planes are SMALL!!! i even got to fly, (check bottom pic! my hands are on the steering wheel or whatever you call it!) he even flew me over my house. it looked SO different f/ up in the air. i hope craig sticks with it and gets his pilot's license. all those gauges made my head spin!!!! i hope i get to go up again. it was surreal. i love new experiences.


Jeope said...


Just kidding. Lucky wanker. I've wanted to be in one of those small planes all my life!

Mrs. Maria said...

* fly away * :) very cool!!!

Mary said...

I almost got the chance to go up in one here at the University Airport, but I didn' was too windy to fly. They really ARE very tiny...

Jeope said...

By the way, all your title makes me think of is Strong Bad singing "up, up and away in my beautiful bal-looooon..."

Thanks a lot!

devon spec said...

i *heart* strongbad :D